Often the most difficult part of entering into counseling or therapy is simply making the decision to start. If you have found your way to this site, this is a positive first step! It shows real strength to face life’s difficulties by looking at them straight on.
At the heart of counselling is the relationship between you and your counsellor – so it’s important that you find someone who you like and trust.
You may be considering counseling and therapy for a number of reasons
Family Integration Services offers Individual, Couple and Family counseling services throughout GTA and surroundings. Our services include individual counselling and therapy, counselling and therapy for couples, family counselling / therapy for parents, teenagers and children. We are professionally qualified, certified and accredited counsellors and therapists practicing short and longer term focused therapy. Family Integration Services is operated by VYAS SOCIAL WORK PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION.
We Provide “Anger Management”, “Partner Assault Response” (PAR Program), “Alcohol/Substance Abuse Counselling” and "Boundaries counselling" (for Sexual Abuse and Criminal Harassment charges) in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi and Urdu.
At Family Integration Services, our counselor is a Registered Social Worker, trained in Advanced Forensic Social Work Certificate through National Organization of Forensic Social Work (NOFSW), a Certified Anger Management Specialists (CAMS-II) & a Certified Domestic Violence Specialist (CDVS-I) and is affiliated by the National Anger Management Association (NAMA) by way of membership and certification. We have designed individually tailored “Anger Management”, “Partner Assault Response” (PAR Program), “Alcohol/Substance Abuse Counselling” and "Boundaries counselling" (for Sexual Abuse and Criminal Harassment charges) Programs for the clients involved in criminal Justice System through court cases. A detailed letter with completion certificate is provided after required sessions for the programs for the court proceeding.
We provide services in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi and Urdu for the convenience, better understanding and learning for clients. It helps them achieving positive outcome for their involvement when they receive the services in their own language. Please request your language of comfort and arrangements will be made accordingly.
We accept most extended Employee Extended Health and Insurance plans in Ontario. If you have insurance benefits that cover counseling from a Registered Social Worker, they may be used to help cover the full or partial cost of the counselling sessions
We provide Virtual/Web counselling through Sessions Video Platform which is a HIPAA (USA), PHIPA and PIPEDA (Canada) and GDPR (Europe) compliant video & messaging application that is developed in-house by Psychology Today. It is ideal for those with transportation problems,medical needs and other restrictions without stepping out can get support via online platform.
*If there is any situation of potential conflict of interest in working with the clients, a referral will be made for the clients to get support from other appropriate services in the community.